iOS 8.1 is now available to Download!

iOS 8.1 is now available to Download!

Don't see any problem with it. Will continue updating

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I don't see much of a difference, I have a 5c so I didn't get ApplePay. Haven't noticed if the battery life has improved or declined yet, but I'll keep an eye on it.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
And iOS 8 jailbreak released by Pangu too! Cydia doesn't install with JB yet til Saurik updates it. But the hard work is done!
Battery life on 8.1 hasn't been as good as 8.0.2 for my 5s. I'm in the process of draining the battery to 0% and then a full charge to see if that will increase battery life.

Sent from my GOLD iPhone 5s
using Tapatalk
Battery life on 8.1 hasn't been as good as 8.0.2 for my 5s. I'm in the process of draining the battery to 0% and then a full charge to see if that will increase battery life.

Sent from my GOLD iPhone 5s
using Tapatalk

Doubts calibrate battery will help.
Yup. You always need to calibrate when you're having battery problems.

I know Apple recommends going to 0% and then recharging. I just don't think it's the best way. I like to drop it to 10 to 15%, plug it in and then turn it off and let it fully charge. I do this at least once a month. I've been using this procedure for years and it works on all lithium ion batteries including my Apple products. If you want to go in depth, here's a good source of information:

Charging Lithium-Ion Batteries Battery University

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