Iphone 3g NO SERVICE

Iphone 3g NO SERVICE


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Sep 13, 2012
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First of all i want to introduce myself, my name is Julian and i'm from Colombia, this is my first post here so i want to let everyone know that i will offer my help wuth anything i can help.

Now to the problem at hand, I have an iphone 3g 8gb 5.13.04 baseband and IOS 4.2.1, jailbroken using redsnow and unlocked with ultrasn0w, when i unlock the phone it works fine but when i reboot or turn it off it loses signal and then i get the "No Service" message as if it loses the unlock, i've tried re-jailbreaking and unlocking again, i have restored the phone endless times to no avail, tried reinstalling mobile susbtrate and ultrasnow, but the phone always loses signal when it's rebooted or turned off, i'm at my wits end and don't know what to do anymore, if anyone has any tips as to how to fix to problem it will be greatly appreciated.
My concern... is that you've said "I have restored the phone endless times..." Since you've restored the phone... has it changed your Baseband from 5.13.04? I ask because... a straight restore via iTunes to a stock IPSW (Firmware) WILL update your BB to the latest iPhone 3G baseband... 5.15.04. Let us know... and we'll see what we can do to assist.
Thank you for replying sir, sorry, when i said restored i didn't mean that what i meant was that i jailbroke the phone again using redsnow 0.9.14b2 which makes the phone pick up signal again but once i reboot or the phone runs out of battery the signal dies and i get "no service" again, the phone is still on 5.13.04 bb, perhaps this might help too, the phone was previously on on the ipad bb (6.15.00) but i downgraded when the dev-team relased the new redsnow, thank you in advance for yor help.
Ahhh ok... gotcha. I do believe this is a common problem that 3G users are experiencing w/ the downgrade process. Most are resolved by installing the iPad BB again... and downgrading to 5.1304 via redsn0w, again. Hopefully that'll straighten it out for you.
Thanx, i'm trying it right now, i will let you know how it goes, again thanx for your help, much appreciated, i hope this finally fixes it.
You sir are a lifesaver, finally my unlock survives through a reboot i can't thank you enough, thank you thank you thank you, but now another problem appeared, when i turn on wifi the signal drops which is weird because this had never happened before O.o.

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