iPhone 3G recovery loop

iPhone 3G recovery loop


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Dec 5, 2013
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So I recently received an iPhone 3G from my brother. He had tons of music so I decided to restore it. I went to iTunes to restore, and everything was going well. Right when the progress bar on the iPhone filled, however, I was brought into a recovery loop. iTunes gave me error 1015. I read that it was a downgrade error, but I'm not even restoring to a previous version.

WHat I've tried: (NOTE: I'm not jail broken.) Recovery fix in TinyUmbrella. This brings me to a reboot loop. Redsn0w (when I'm in DFU mode) says "1-gen device". Opening iTunes fixes this, but then I enter WTU mode. redsn0w, while in WTU mode, tells me "USB communication problem" on every (EVERY) USB port I have (6).
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Oh, by the way, the restore isn't a custom firmware either. It's just a normal restore on iTunes.
So I recently received an iPhone 3G from my brother. He had tons of music so I decided to restore it. I went to iTunes to restore, and everything was going well. Right when the progress bar on the iPhone filled, however, I was brought into a recovery loop. iTunes gave me error 1015. I read that it was a downgrade error, but I'm not even restoring to a previous version.

WHat I've tried: (NOTE: I'm not jail broken.) Recovery fix in TinyUmbrella. This brings me to a reboot loop. Redsn0w (when I'm in DFU mode) says "1-gen device". Opening iTunes fixes this, but then I enter WTU mode. redsn0w, while in WTU mode, tells me "USB communication problem" on every (EVERY) USB port I have (6).

1015 is a baseband issue. More than likely your brother has installed the iPad Baseband, which is much higher than that of the actual 3G baseband on 4.2.1. Since Apple does not allow for the downgrade of anything, iTunes will not account for a baseband larger than the actual latest baseband.

You'll need to use RedSn0w's restore feature to restore and preserve the baseband of the device. Or, you'll need to use iFaith to create a custom IPSW that will preserve the baseband. Note that you'll need iTunes 11.0.5 or below when installing a custom firmware because iTunes 11.1 and above blocks the conventional methods

Sent from my iPhone via Tapa
This is working so far. I got the 4.2.1 blobs and IPSW and am now using them to restore. I'll let you know if it fails or works.

But while waiting, I have another questions that you may or may not know. Does whited00r work? I'm thinking of using the custom 3G 6.1 firmware, but don't want to brick this phone too ;o

Also, what exactly is a "baseband". I like to understand exactly what I'm doing.

*insert me asking for demands of you here*
Let the problems begin. I restore (And tell it not to prevent the baseband from being updated. Should I let tell it to prevent that?) using the 4.2.1 IPSW. I've tried selecting both local and remote blobs, and the same thing happens. It uploads iBec and the kernels, and then showing the apple logo on the phone, with a progress bar. The progress bar just sits there, and redsn0w says waiting for iPhone. After about 2 or 3 minutes, the phone turns off and goes back to recovery mode, but redsn0w doesn't change.
Ok. Another update. redsn0w (0.14b2) can put my iPhone into Pwned DFU (It says WTF?) and I can start a restore on iTunes. Now I get error 1, however. No idea what that is.
Install iTunes 11.0.5 in place of 11.1. Use RedSn0w 0.9.15 over 0.9.14. Or, use Sn0wBreeze/iFaith to create a custom IPSW. Baseband is the modem firmware on the device that allows for cellular communication.
Ah, yes. I believe I also read that somewhere ^^ (That iTunes 11.1 did *BLAH BLAH BLAH* SOMETHING BAD). I have redsn0w 0.9.15 too. I also have sn0wbreeze and iFaith. I'll try tomorrow.
Well, I got error -1 and it threw me into a recovery loop. I think the baseband may be corrupted somehow (according to google searches :P). Now restores just sit at "Preparing iPhone for restore". I am using iTunes iReb and TinyUmbrella can't get it out of the loop.
So many problems :P Now I can get into DFU, but pwned DFU puts me into WTF. Restoring from DFU, WTF, and recovery mode all don't work. So much trouble just trying to factory restore an iPhone >.>

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