iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS Top Two Selling Smartphones in Q2

iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS Top Two Selling Smartphones in Q2


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Jun 18, 2010
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MacRumors reports that NPD has today released its Mobile Phone Track report for Q2 of 2011, which sees the iPhone 4 placed as the number one best-selling phone during Q2, with the iPhone 3GS just behind it as the second top best-selling phone for the quarter. In third and fourth place, we have the HTC EVO 4G and HTC Inspire 4G respectively. The release of the CDMA Verizon iPhone 4 this year, which saw its first full quarter of sales in Q2, as well as the introduction of the white iPhone 4 have both helped to keep iPhone 4 sales buoyant, and there have been many special offers and free offers for the iPhone 3GS to keep it selling well also. This bodes very well for the imminent release of the iPhone 5 of course!

Meanwhile, in terms of the US smartphone market share figures, NPD’s figures show that Google’s Android OS is consolidating its lead, with 52 percent of the share of units sold in Q2, with Apple’s iOS rising slightly in second place to 29 percent of the market share. RIM’s BlackBerry OS share dropped to 11 percent, and Windows Phone 7, Windows Mobile and webOS all remaining static with less than 5 percent of the market share each.

Source: iPhone 4 and 3GS Rank as Best-Selling U.S. Smartphones - Mac Rumors
The sales of the 3GS where kept up by the people who where too worried to buy a iphone 4 because of the so called "antenna issue" so many people i spoke to who had the 3gs where like why would i buy the 4 when it has the antenna problem? so it worked out well for apple really lol
I helped Apple out in the 2nd Quarter this year by updating one phone to the 4G and one to the 3GS. I like them both and here in Indianapolis, I have had no antenna problem with the 4G.

Bourbon City said:
I helped Apple out in the 2nd Quarter this year by updating one phone to the 4G and one to the 3GS. I like them both and here in Indianapolis, I have had no antenna problem with the 4G.



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