iPhone 4 antenna problems.. recall?

iPhone 4 antenna problems.. recall?

Recall is the only thing they can do, But the problem is this, they recall your phone and tell you to ship it? someplace I hope not in china!

Ok let me see how many iphone 4 are there out now? I would say maybe the bi Million # not sure? keep In mind you are still under AT&T contact and will be paying a monthly bill for a phone that will be took from you and they are not going to drop that contact.

Apple recall will take 6 to 8 months to get the ones in they have out and redo the antenna hardware.

Somepeople think a software patch will fix a hardware problem? I say No all they will do is make you think you got good signal with a patch that tells you you have a great signal when you are still have a problem phone.

They will I think will give out a patch and brainwash the users of the new iphone 4 into thinking the signal and patch worked the hardware antenna problem will still be there but the user will see the bigger bars all the way to the top, they fixed my hardware problem thur a USB cable? LOL get real Apple.

They will give us ducktape and a patch and stop production on the iphone4 and make a revised newer one with a better antenna the place it out on the market.

Apple don't want them new one back and will not ask for them back , they have you money and you on contact for 2 years now.

If you are thinking like me I say that they got the phone tested for free at my and your cost and nothing other than a act of congress will change that.

I think soon you will see all kind of little iem on Ebay for sell to fix the hardward problems in the next few week to antennas that stick to the back of the phone like tape, to ducktape repair kits.

What a nice looking phone and for someone to tell you to place ducktape on it?? it like telling the little boy to stick his finger in a dam to stop a hole it it, it will stop for a bit but the problem is there.

Write your congress people and apple make them refund and redo the hardware problem, thats is the only way friends, your can set around and act like your phone is fine with some bainwashed ideal Apple has placed in you head about a patch, or take up for yourseft fight back that action wite letters fill the Apple mail room up with letter.
Sure there's a problem with the antenna but there's still a lot of happy users and there's also a lot of users where the problem doesn't affect them as much or at all.

Not to mention there's a lot of people who just can't be arsed with writing to anyone.

But then again if anyone can be bothered with writing a template then do so, I'm sure that would get a few prints posted off to apple.

That's my 2 pennies worth.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Here are a few facts about sales.

1. Money talks.
2. Keeping your phone and mail apple?!?! They could care less.....
3.Say 10,000 people return their phone. Some 3mil sold....Money talks .
4. Sure they could come out and make a press release and declare to the world your iPhone4 has a problem!! Why? First Apple hasn't ever done that....second if 9/10th's of people don't notice it why not let them enjoy there "flawless" phone.
5. GUYS THIS IS BUSINESS! Sometimes you havetoo be the bad guy to keep your business on track... (no this doesn't mean I like it.... But if iPhone4 makes the millions it takes to build iPhone5 I'm all for it)
6. We can't even understand the mass disappointment if a recall this year...meant no new phone in 2011??
7. Apple let's do better next year (you know they will)

If you don't like the phone then take it back for a refund. It's a very simple process. I have only had my phone two days, I haven't had any reception issues although my chubby cheek has hung up people a few times. I'm not sure if it's working correctly or it's the way I had the phone balancing on my shoulder, I'm going to see if I can recreate what I'm doing.
I wouldn't really trust a bestbuy salesperson... If there was a recall I don't think they would be still shipping phones out like crazy.

Every phone but MINE. I ordered nearly 2 weeks ago through my ATT store and it still says backordered. They said 7-14 business days and it hasn't been the full 14, but close.
Sorry to be a real pain to anyone in this thread, I work very hard for a living each day,

Am not rich and a phone like the iphone 4 was my dream phone, for me to even hear on CNN that users are to use ducktape or plastic bottom cover for a shield from RF really burns me up. All Apple needed to do is test it a little more and the problems would have shown up.

The patch willn't fix the true problem it will just make the bars bigger and move 2 more over, the antenna is hardware problem. I willn't download it as I want to learn from the people who did first. Please remember this one thing a Apple tech told me you can never drop down after the patch so if that makes thing worst you will be in a jam then.

Would like to say sorry to all the IPHONE fans but I myseft don't like what hear on the Web and news.
Apple has put out many products, all of which have been amazing. This time they let a problem slip by, some think it's an important problem that needs to be fixed, and others just ignore it. In my opinion, it's all good. Apple has put out an amazing product, a product with a flaw that can simply be fixed by adding a bumper. I know that I have always taken care of my phones 100%, and there is no way I would go without a bumper. Even when I go outside and there is a chance of rain I put my phone in a ziplock bag. If all I need to pay is an extra 30$ to fix my 200$ iPhone, I will do it.
It is a matter of principle. Apple should take the high road and fix the problem. Curt dismissive e mails and software updates are not the way to keep customers. I have been a loyal apple fan for sometime and purchased several items from them. It is unlikely that this furor will keep me from buying more but I am disappointed with apples response to this. I would expect better from apple.
Antenna replaced with ugraded on in iphone 4, I think that this is for the ones not shipped to date. I really hate to be lefted out of the free upgraded antenna but it looks that way. I myseft think they should replace them all even if it take as long as a year.

I know apple is not the BP oil company as they was maded to make things right, I know a antenna problem is not like the oil rig problem BP has, so what is the big deal Apple replace all the antennas OK, its not like it will run you out of the cellphone market? right is right! do all you customers the same.

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