Iphone 4 carrier lockout

Iphone 4 carrier lockout


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Aug 1, 2012
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hey guys i recently bought a iphone off someone and they told me the carrier was bell, but it was not we have tried (i think) all of the carriers that you can get for the phone such as bell, telus, rogers, koodo, fido. But can't seem to get past the carrier unlock. the previous person jailbroke it already and i can by pass the screen by going to emergency call and doing that trick but still can't figure out how to unlock this thing ;( any help guys!!?!?!?

Try using gevy sim since it works for me but you have to do some key work before you could get the signal.
huh? i dont know what you mean by that? i have tried this video and so far this did not work

so i do not know what to do? someone already jailbroke this iphone so.... im just lost now i hate this i do not have a sim card in it while im doing this because i do not know the carrier
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The SAM won't work anymore, unless you have previously saved tickets. Cherwynn is right, your only option would be the Gevey sim. I am not 100% sure if it can be used on all basebands or not. What baseband are you on? It can be found under settings general about and it is lsted under modem firmware.
i will find out when the phone i done restoring. we are trying to restore the iphone but so far its been 30 mins and nothing has happened.....

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