iPhone 4 Gets Nearly Double the Battery Life of Some Android Phones

iPhone 4 Gets Nearly Double the Battery Life of Some Android Phones


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Mar 15, 2011
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One of the biggest things I’m concerned with on my smart phone is battery life. What good is a wireless phone if it always needs to be plugged in? With some of my older iPhones (iPhone 2G, 3G), it was a major issue. But since I’ve gotten my iPhone 4, it’s never really been a problem.
I’ve had Android and Blackberries for work phones in the past, and I can honestly say the iPhone 4 is the best when it comes to battery life. Well it looks like my experience are in line with most everybody else’s, as cnet test results confirm that the iPhone is top dog…
The iPhone 4 from AT&T was able to playback video for 9.9 hours straight, while the Verizon version topped it with 10.3 hours. The best Android competitor was the Google Nexus S, made by Samsung, which checked in at 8.1 hours. Coming in dead last is the HTC MyTouch 4G, the one you see in the T-mobile commercials bashing the iPhone 4 for lack of wireless video chat, at 6.6 hours of video playback.
The audio playback tests were even more enlightening. The Verizon iPhone 4 topped out at 67 hours of audio playback, while the HTC MyTouch 4G topped Android phones with 21 hours. It was also interesting to see that the AT&T iPhone, while still well above the Android competition, came in at 40 hours of audio playback.
What’s with the 27 hour difference? Unlike the video tests, the audio playback trials were done with airplane mode off, so it’s likely they were in an area with poor AT&T coverage. When a phone constantly searches for service, the battery will drain quicker due to the strain.
Has anyone else seen similar playback times or have their own iPhone 4 battery life opinions? Tell us below!
[via iphonedownloadblog]
I agree: the iP4 has fine battery life. I've had a Droid X and Samsung Captivate -- the the iP4 is definitely better.
i just cant break the habbit of always plugging my phone in.brought on by the use of other battery hog phones befor this one.
i dont think i have ever gone lower than 75%
but having a nice charging dock on my computer desk just makes it so easy.and having a charge/listening cord in the car is nice to.
i just cant break the habbit of always plugging my phone in.brought on by the use of other battery hog phones befor this one.
i dont think i have ever gone lower than 75%
but having a nice charging dock on my computer desk just makes it so easy.and having a charge/listening cord in the car is nice to.

U should try to let the bat die once in a month and then full charge it again, this keep you bat performance good for a long long time.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hmmm, I wonder what I'm doing wrong. I'm always at or below 50% by the time I get home from work. Never had the phone die on me, but it has to charge every night.
bab... how do you let the battery fully "die?" The Iphone automatically shuts off after around 15% battery life left (I think). Let us know.

FYI, I personally think that it's totally unnecessary to let your phone "die" occasionally. The Lithium ion battery is impervious to memory faults.
bab... how do you let the battery fully "die?" The Iphone automatically shuts off after around 15% battery life left (I think). Let us know.

FYI, I personally think that it's totally unnecessary to let your phone "die" occasionally. The Lithium ion battery is impervious to memory faults.

I'm not sure if it's beneficial to let the battery fully discharge or not, but I've done it a time or two. The way I did it is; when my battery is down to less than 20% or so (and it's convenient to do so), I set the screen to full brightness, set the screen auto-lock to "never", start several apps, and maybe play Angrybirds for a bit to accelerate the discharge. That'll do it. I then attach the charger, then after a few minutes when the phone powers back up, I kill all the apps that were running at the time of shutdown and let it charge all night.
I've never been in a situation where battery life has affected my daily need of the phone but, my wife's iP4 seems to have way better life than mine (we got them on the same day), however, she doesn't play any games or check FB etc. but she has her email automatically push and has her screen brightness set brighter than mine. After a full day when I get home, I'm never above 40%, it's usually less than that. It seems I'm always below 20 or 30 % by the time I go to bed. I think it will just take me some time to get used to, I'm used to my BlackBerry having around 75% on a fresh battery when I get home from work. The battery issue doesn't bother me too much except for the fact that I heard a new battery is over 100 bucks, I don't know if that includes labor or not. I know the battery only has a certain number of charges before its life is over, that bothers me a little. I can tell you, I'm never without a car charger but haven't needed it yet. As far as Android...I bought the HTC Inspire, then took it back and got the iPhone 4, the battery life on the Inspire was ridiculous!
I agree that the iPhone 4 has great battery life, I was using the Verizon iP4 and after 10 minutes of downloading, playing Angry Birds, and checking out the phone it just barely hit 99%. Other phones would have been down to 90% by then.

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