iPhone 4 Jailbreak

iPhone 4 Jailbreak

well of course every new firmware most the jb apps dont work and they need updating, i bet a lot of apps for 4.XX dont work properly, in fact most of them
if you want to jailbreak i would wait until dev team say its ok. or post a comment on their blog/twitter site and ask maybe 10000 people already asked the same question and there is answers there.
I don't think it's going to matter... If they are waiting for 4.1 to release the jailbreak..... Why would they wait to release then say oh no sorry you havetoo have 4.0? The whole point in waiting is so you can jailbreak 4.1.
well the point is so that you can hold off the baseband update or the other thing.. who knows
Just simple things that I miss from jailbreaking......hopefully everything gets done and we can do it.
yes like SSH is a must

I used ssh to access my root on my 3gs literally ALL the time. I tried to avoid winterboard as it drained the battery so i was always editing the png files myself. So yes, that is a must have. Remember to password protect your shsh!
I can only hope for 2 things...
1. iPHone 4 can be jailbroken so I can use just ONE app that is not available in the app store
2. Apple will sell the app I use daily in the App store, make money off it and I will be happy!

BTW, the app is iBlackList. Its an app to "block" calls/texts from a "blacklist" of contacts you setup. If/when a contact calls/texts you with the app activated, it stores all the calls/texts in the app its self and is not visible in your SMS or call logs. Very helpful in some instances.

The Iphone 4 has already been jailbroken, lets just hope they release it soon, As Comex stated "Im not waiting for the 4.1 FW release so have your SHSH files stored" ....
I also use Iphone Blacklist and am missing it much now! that and a few minor utilities.
Apple will never approve a app such as Iblacklist there is no call blocking programs for the iphone to date and I dont expect apple to approve one now.
What you can do while waiting is, Make a silent ringtone, Just record silence for a few seconds and save this file as one of your ringtones, then assign this silent ringtone to the callers you would have blacklisted thus when they call your phone dosent ring and your not bothered...
This was at one time the only way to do it before iphoneblacklist etc..
you can even make a contact called blocked with that silent ringtone and just keep adding all blocked users to that one contact....
should i update to 4.0.1 or not if i intend to jailbreak

You can update to 4.01 from 4.0 as stated by Comex and the Iphone Dev Team, There is no baseband update within 4.01 and its safe to say that the iphone 4 jailbreak coming out will work on 4.0 and 4.01, and as long as you have your 4.0 SHSH file saved you can always downgrade. If you dont have your 4.0 SHSH file save with the software free from "Tiny Umbrella", you are too late, 4.0 Is not being signed anymore.
So upgrading to 4.01 and using Tiny Umbrella to save your 4.01 SHSH may be the only way to get a pre 4.1 SHSH saved with Cydia ....
So im so confused, the iPhone4 was the first iphone i got, so can you jailbreak it and how, please is simple terms, lol
so what about now its legal? will they be forced to allow jailbreak or share the firwmare already jailbroken? i hope so then there will be no need for it that would be sweet and apple put some kind of warning, my friend jailbroke and itunes said your jailbroken and must restore, only now they can change the message to if you break your phone downloading these non approved apps it your own fault

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