I'm glad you are in to help just like anyone of us here. Countless time i have mistaken advising a member on subject, where one with better knowledge came in and corrected my info, I've learned for those info, I even learned from many of your post on this forum regarding JB stuff, as I quit it almost 4 months now, so I'm not up to date anymore if it wasn't for some of your posts. I never comment on JB cause I DON'T KNOW for sure so i can't just say something because i want to say, like Skull One said, someone can paid for my misinformation if i wrongly advice one about JB stuff. You advice to the OP is wrong, he can easily and severely damage his battery if not only the OP but anyone with similar issue read your post and practice it. Battery on iPhone? I know it and unless you provide your strange Apple OW link, you got to agree to stand corrected and correct. Why is it hard for you to agree on your toxic advice regarding battery maintenance?
Not like Skull One, I will not less other member become the victims of your ignorance when I come across one of your misleading toxic information. And seriously, you got to learn a lot and learn to agree on your mistake and learn to apologize for misinformation or bad advice you provide. Now FYI iPhone battery are not going to spoil because of long time charging and I quote: it will just work fine "Steve Jobs"