iPhone 4 Themes

iPhone 4 Themes

for those of you in the US/Canada and have the navigon app here is how to replace the icon...

create a folder in the bundles folder of your theme and call it


then place your new icon in there with the standard Icon @2x.png

and for facebook its


Same tecnique for the icon.

hope this helps someone
here it's mine..
A free alternative to iconoclasm is iBlank + five-column springboard. It can do things Iconoclasn cant but also that goes both ways. iBlank just gives you transparent icons, as many as you like

If anyone plans on using it, you will need to also activate its winterboard theme to take icon shadows away.

Here is my theme that I am working on...


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  • $IMG_0086.webp
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  • $IMG_0087.webp
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Here's mine. Not as crazy as most posted here, but I really enjoy it. I like the stock iPhone layout, so just wanted some mild tweaks to the visuals.

Lockscreen is Clearlock by holdemdogg & slider by Pronup, and the homescreen icons are iPhone HD. I had absolutely nothing to do with creating any of this.

Clearlock - no weather, but the wallpaper changes during the course of the day. It's excellent!


iPhone HD icons:

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