So I've had my iPhone 4 coming 3 years now and I've never had any issues with it until these last couple months. The latest problem is to do with the volume. I noticed this just a few days ago, I listen to my music fairly loud and incase it's relevant I have a pair of skull candy headphones, anyways, as I was listening to music my volume would cut in and out and end up at different volumes ... Or skip to different volumes (would be a better description) the volume bar thingy just jumps to different places and the volume changes along with it. I've also noticed that when I stop playing music and am just navigating around my phone, pressing buttons, typing, etc, there's a weird crackly ticking noise in my head phones. when I stand still, music plays normally, but the second I start moving the volume starts jumping around again and this problem only occurs with headphones in. Music plays normally through the phones speakers. I have cleaned the headphone jack, reset my phone, restored my phone, cleaned the USB jack so I'm honestly out of ideas, has anyone else had similar problems? Or have any suggestions on how I could fix this? If it boils down to having dropped my phone a few too many times and me having to go in and fix my phone I would like to know bdvUse at that point I think id just replace my phone. Along with this issue my phone has been having so many other pronlems lately I think it would be more worthwhile to just replace it unless it's solve able at home :/