New Member
I do miss the ability to customize and perhaps some day I will jail brake my 4 S and see what door that opens.

I do miss the ability to customize and perhaps some day I will jail brake my 4 S and see what door that opens.
wheeler062505 said:I've had a few androids: my touch 3G slide, Samsung galaxy (the first one ) and htc evo ( this one was a nightmare ) and now the iPhone 4 and I am thrilled. Never in my life did I ever think I would ever jump that fence but I'm glad I did. Sure it would be nice if the iPhone were a customizable as android but then iPhone would most likely encounter the same problems as android. iPhone is just better protected, longer battery and the apps are more detailed ( you can tell there was a lot of work put into those apps).
What really makes it the best phone in your eyes ??
I am with you on the "everything just works" and the malware comments. My last Android phone was the crappiest cell phone I've had in years. Horrendous call quality, I wouldn't get half of my texts, half of my texts weren't received by other people, and voicemails usually didn't come through for days. I dealt with that for 6 months at least before I was eligible for my upgrade. It was getting annoying having to explain to every new person that my phone sucked and was unreliable.having used them both( I have the iPhone my cousin has the S2) I think the iPhone 4S is better because of
better camera
iOS 5
having used them both the 4S seems a little bit faster
Everthing just works
the s2 and 4a both have great screens but the s2 is bigger. android is a mess of an operating system and updating is a headache. the android store is filled with malware and also a mess.
I was in a similiar decision with the the infuse and 4S but chose the 4S because the 4S works with all my accessories and since I mainly use my phone for music and apps and the camera the I chose the iPhone
Like I said above, I agree, Samsung don't make good phones. I had bad luck with the original Moto Droids too though.I've had Android and iPhones. Each OS has particular features that I enjoy. I wish I could pick and choose then add into a new OS. For me, first and foremost, the device is a PHONE. Therefore, for me, the iPhone wins. Samsung phones do not deliver the same call quality as Iphone. If I wanted another Android it would be one of Moto's. Just my opinion.
I just like iOS because it works. It's slick, looks nice, and works. My Android phones would get tons of problems, but iPhones rarely get problems a simple solution won't fix.
Thats so not true lol I know of the problems Iphons have.