iPhone 5S battery drains quick

iPhone 5S battery drains quick

I did a restore network settings and that worked so try it

Check your location services. The icon is showing, so something is using it. You might be able to get better life if you close out some services. Especially under System Services. I only have traffic and cell network enabled there. Also, the automatic app refresh will use battery. Push notifications as well.
I've come to the conclusion that there is no battery made to keep up with these high tech phones.....YET (I would like my battery to last at least a week...SMILE), so I decided long ago to carry a extra battery and in the iPhone's case a Mophie Air (battery pack/case). It works for ME
I've come to the conclusion that there is no battery made to keep up with these high tech phones.....YET (I would like my battery to last at least a week...SMILE), so I decided long ago to carry a extra battery and in the iPhone's case a Mophie Air (battery pack/case). It works for ME
I'm on holiday and my daughter is playing games like mad on her 5. I bought her a mophi juice pack as a present. What a nice thing to have!! She's now going easily through a day. Previously she couldn't. The phone's handling is super and it's a nice case. And the thickness and weight added is so little. Apple could easily thickened the phone and put in twice the size battery. My 5s is heavier on draining, and I think it's the signal that's not that good. And also I'm playing games now as well and in sunlight my screen is on max brightness. I think of getting myself a juice pack. Only negative on the juice pack is the price.
Yes the only negative for me was/is the price, but it was worth it to me. I got my Wife the white one and myself the black one (Mophie Air) the same day I purchased the phones. I'm kinda OCD about running out of "juice" when it comes to my phones
Why have a smartphone and walk around with everything off??
If you need it, don't switch it off. As you've said, Mophie juice pack works very good. But I think a lot of people don't need all the things the phone can do. My 5s is doing fine with everything on. I'm on holiday now, and the draining picked up like mad!! The culprit? Screen that's auto on max as I'm always outside and playing with my phone. But I do have a Mophie now, and it really is a well spent investment.
Why have a smartphone and walk around with everything off??
Why would you need any of those I have turned off in System Services? And unless you actually use it, you can also turn off Frequent Locations at the bottom. I find it useless and it uses battery.

Sounds good. I will be turning "stuff" off. I stand corrected. Thanks for the info guys and gals

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