iPhone 5S Said to be Very Similar to iPhone 5; Cheaper Plastic iPhone Rumoured

iPhone 5S Said to be Very Similar to iPhone 5; Cheaper Plastic iPhone Rumoured


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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iDownload Blog reports on a massive article by iLounge’s Jeremy Horwitz today in which he talks at length about specs for the next iPad and iPhone 5S, and possible other additions to the iPhone line. As far as the rumoured iPhone 5S is concerned, Horwitz says that it will look similar to the iPhone 5, but will have a bigger flash unit on the back. Horwitz also confirms that as far as his sources are concerned, Apple is indeed working on a cheaper iPhone, which will be made of plastic, and will launch sometime this year. Horwitz even talks about the rumoured “iPhone Math”, confirming the existence of that as well, saying that it is only at the prototype stage, however, and will not be released in 2013. That particular prototype currently has a screen size of 4.7 inches, according to Horwitz, but that could change, as it is very early days for this model.

In terms of the accuracy of the report, as iDownload Blog notes, Horwitz is a very credible source indeed, and was spot on with his reports on the iPhone 5 before it was released last year.

[FONT=&quot]Source: [/FONT]Rumor: iPad 5 to feature mini-like design, iPhone 5S to look similar to current model
ill probably skip the S and the 6 and get the 6S
i'll definitely be skipping the s,it's just too soon after releasing 5,hope Apple are not going to keep trotting out new phones one after another like the makers of Android phones,the thing i liked about iphone was that you had the latest phone for a year,looks like that's not going to be the case now.
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i'll definitely be skipping the s,it's just too soon after releasing 5,hope Apple are not going to keep trotting out new phones one after another like the makers of Android phones.

Exactly! i hope they keep to the one iphone a year release cycle but with losses of sales i wont be surprised if they release a cheaper model. I always go straight to apple and pay full price (700) for the 64gb model
im actually glad the 5s wont b a significant upgrade. this means i can keep my 5 longer xD
that is a good way to look at it. but the phone will only get better so there is no rush to go and buy another, this year my money is going to either a imac or mbp maxed out specs

only reason is cause i had a 4 and i onyl upgraded a few weeks ago. was gona wait for the 5s ( at time it was still rumoured ) and i didnt know if i should keep waiting or not. pulled thr trigger and hoped for the best lol. but im glad so now i wont b tempted

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