iPhone App - Music Player

iPhone App - Music Player


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Apr 8, 2013
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Hi all!

I just bought my iPhone 5 - it's my first time switching over from Android.

I have one problem that I haven't been able to solve:

I listen to a lot of classical music, and the way iTunes sorts my music, it has separate artists listed as "Bach", "Johann Sebastian Bach", "Johann Bach", and sometimes it's listed by the performer and not the composer, so a Glenn Gould Bach recording would be under "Glenn Gould" instead.

On Android, I had the option to just browse through my music directory by folder, and I have it all organized by composer -> song name -> performers. But I can't seem to find an app on iPhone that does that. Is it not possible to make one given the way iPhones work, or does one exist?

Thanks a TON!!!!! :D :D
Very simple to select tracks in iTunes and change their tags to be all the same. Select Johan Bach and all the other iterations and right click to get info and change the field you need to get them all in the same place.

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As to your question re using an app I don't think you need one if you study iTunes a little closer. It does all those sorting types you asked for with ease. Assuming your ID3 tags are all correct.

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Ack, this would mean that I have to go through each of my misplaced songs individually and get info > switch to info tab > paste in the correct artist. And I think I will have to rename quite a few albums as well. I have 7,000 songs, and a good portion of them are misplaced, that's a long time to spend lol. And on top of it, I won't have the sorting as customized as I do now. Unless there is a way to automatically change the metadata of each song so that the name of the composer is the name of the first folder it is in after my music folder?

A good app solution would be so much easier!
You can select multiple songs and change the tags all at once. 7000 will take a little while but the result will be worth it. I have just done my 56000 odd because of a PC crash causing me to redo my library from various old backups.

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