What is a wrap by the way? I currently have my iPhone 4S in a otterbox defender case. I have tried other cases, but this phone cost to much. So this case protects it well from occasional drops.
Unleashed said:a wrap is basically stickers that attach to your device in different colours and some glow as well so its more for the looks then protection of your device
Thanks for the info, I'll pass on that.
yes the wraps are brilliant,top quality,theres a great choice of styles,go to the Slickwraps site and have a look,they are inexpensive too.Do the wraps work?
yes they are both nice but I'm really happy now with the wrap on it.that is always the way! its so hard to decide and then when you do you some times think damn I should of got the white one but with the skin you made its white with red.. unique and good looking skin.
I was going to get the white iphone 4S just to feel like it was a different device but always seem to go for the black ones until holding a white at the apple store then it becomes hard to chose
i see you like your home button bare too.I may have made them sound rubbish.. but actually they are very good and look/feel like proper cases once attached.
here is a look at them on both of my iphones..
yes they are both nice but I'm really happy now with the wrap on it.
Thanks,i,ve always liked being creative,i know what you mean about the home button cover i had it on and off a few times,in fact it was hard to get off,yes the "stick"factor is great.Yes Poisonivyx well for the red one at least
I did a bad job of putting it on but what impressed me was no matter how many times I removed it to put it back on (hopefully better) it never lost its stick and other invisible shields I owned lost the stick so fast, plus its nice having a glow stick when its dark lol.
on the yellow wrap I purchased a mood ring, not sure if its clear on the video though
they are both nice I agree!
Yeah you did a good job with making the extra bit for the wrap from the left over parts.
think i may have got Slickwraps some customers today,i was in town going round the phone shops looking at slip cases and the lads in the phone shops were asking me what i had on my phone,they had never heard of Slickwraps and were really interested and impressed with them,naturally i told them where to look.
i showed them mine and said theres some left over pieces,no i didn't find any slip case worth buying,i,l keep looking.That was very good of you.. Did you tell them that you made an extra bit from the left overs as well?
though I never seen many good slip cases at the phone stores compared to what you can find online.
id like something eye catching,not the usual run of the mill.What kind are you looking for?
Poisonivy said:id like something eye catching,not the usual run of the mill.