iPhone iOS 4.0.2 & iPad 3.2.2 Firmware Update DO NOT UPDATE

iPhone iOS 4.0.2 & iPad 3.2.2 Firmware Update DO NOT UPDATE


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Thread Starter
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA

Apple released two new firmwares yesterday, the 4.0.2 and the 3.2.2 firmware for the iPhone and iPad. First off, DO NOT UPDATE if you want to be able to have a Jailbroken Device or the ability to Jailbreak in the future. Jailbreakme.com does not work on this update so you won't be able to Jailbreak for awhile. The only thing that this update does is fixes the exploit that actually allows you the Jailbreak. Stay where you are on your phone now and everything should be fine.
if you dont care about jailbreak like me then upgrade... all this warnings about dont upgrade every firmware they say the same thing.. upgrade and its fine
Does anyone know if this will this deactivate existing jailbreaks done via jailbreak.me?
U know jialbreaking brings so much for us, I jailbroken my iPad, and installed flash on it.:) ( BTW: how to Install Flash on Your Jailbroken iPad: Install Flash on your jailbroken iPad | iFunia News Blog ).

yes every firmware update does remove the jailbreak until there is a new tool or way of jailbreaking... so you can either update and go with out jailbreak or wait until there is a jailbreak then upgrade..

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