iphone media slow to open since update to ios9

iphone media slow to open since update to ios9

Kev Blake

New Member
Thread Starter
Dec 7, 2015
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Hi, Since ive updated my iphone 5s to ios9 ive noticed my media (photos & videos) take forever to load and am unable to see these when i sync my phone with the computer. An example of this is if i browse to a photo on my phone taken a couple of months back the image appears to be blurred for a couple of seconds while a white circle appears in the bottom right of the image with a loading status before the image becomes clear, the same thing happens with my videos.

I appriciate this might be a feature of ios9 to compress the data to save on space but how do i turn this off as I wish to transfer all my media to my pc for backup as when i connect the phone to the computer i can only see a small number of pictures & videos and only those taken more recently.

I am now on ios9.1


How many photos are you keeping/storing on the phone?
That is right. iOS 9 need more RAM and hardware. So it will be slower on old device. I have upgraded my Iphone 4s before and same problem. Very very slow.
Yeah, I also meet this problem, it made me annoyed, I almost make the photos are missing, and I ask for the service support , they cannot help me to figure it out. so many wonderful memory are gone caused by the ios systems upgraded.:(
Same here. It not coming alone good with Photos & Videos

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