iPhone’s Share of US Smartphone Market Rises to 30.7 Percent

iPhone’s Share of US Smartphone Market Rises to 30.7 Percent


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Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports today on new quarterly figures just released by comScore’s MobiLens service, which surveys 30,000 mobile subscribers. According to the new figures, Apple’s share of the US smartphone market has continued to increase, growing 1.1% compared to the fourth quarter of 2011, and up 0.5% from the three- month average from February. This puts Apple’s current share of the US smartphone market at 30.7%, still behind Google, which has 51% of the market share, up from 47.3% in the fourth quarter of 2011. Both BlackBerry maker RIM and Microsoft saw falls in their share of the market. comScore’s research also shows that Apple was the third biggest handset manufacturer in the US in the March quarter, with Samsung top of the list with 26%, and LG coming in second with 19.3%. As far as global smartphone makers are concerned, AppleInsider says that there is some dispute as to whether Apple or Samsung has the top spot, with Strategy Analytics and IDC going for Samsung as the winners, and IHS iSuppli going for Apple.

Source: Apple's iPhone climbs to 31% share of US smartphone market
I firmly believe if iOS 6 includes some serious enterprise level integration and security, Apple could add another 5 to 6 points and some of it would come out of Androids pie.

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