iphone4 stopped working, only dfu mode or plug into itunes mode

iphone4 stopped working, only dfu mode or plug into itunes mode

Start again. Uninstall iTunes completely form you computer including QuickTime and reboot. Then download the latest version from the apple website.

Then restore you phone again from iTunes. If that doesn't work edit the hosts file again. Make sure you delete the whole line, not just part of it, then save and reboot your computer again. Restore again in iTunes. If it still doesn't work try a few times. Also try using tiny to kick out of recovery a few times when you see the connect to iTunes screen.

Just keep trying. I had this problem twice. The first time editing the host file worked but it still took a few restore attempts. The second I was getting the same error (1013) but that time tiny managed to kick it out of recovery after a few attempts...
after editing host file you must reboot, also make sure you have edited the host file!!! if your not saving as 'all files' or are not in admin mode it wont edit it!!

easiest way to check, edit it, save, reboot, check it is still edited!!!

if you take it to apple they can reboot the phone for you but you will stille keep coming back to the same issue!!

i had a nightmare getting the drivers to go back in when i deleted them via device manager!!

it will work eventually, you gotta flush the dns too if its not flushing itself!! in prompt, type in: ipconfig /flushdns that will help it sort things out!!