iphones wifi stops working when audio cable is plugged in

iphones wifi stops working when audio cable is plugged in


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Sep 25, 2011
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I have a really weird problem here.

My extra iPhone 4s i'm using for playing music, Spotify etc. etc (Streaming)
is working alright.
But if i plug in a audio cable in the headphone plug, the wifi stops working ???
This is really weird and i have tried 2 iPhones now and it's the same problem.
How can that happen. I hope you understand what i mean.
The iPhone is connected to my home WIFI and working fine. As soon as i plug in the audio cable for my speakers. The iPhone looses it's wifi connection.
I have never experience anything like this before and i'm sure my iPhone is fine because it happen on 2 different iPhones.

Please if anyone have a solution.

P.S It is NOT headphones. Its when i plug a audio cable from my speakers !!!

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Maybe the problem is with the audio cable and/or the speakers. Have you considered trying a different cable or speakers?

Since the problem exists with more than one iPhone it's unlikely to be a problem with the iPhones as having more than one iPhone exhibit exactly the same fault at the same time is very unlikely.
Maybe the problem is with the audio cable and/or the speakers. Have you considered trying a different cable or speakers?

Since the problem exists with more than one iPhone it's unlikely to be a problem with the iPhones as having more than one iPhone exhibit exactly the same fault at the same time is very unlikely.


Yes i did try 3 other audio cables. No help there. ANd the speakers works fine with everyuthing else. Its a Logitech Z-4 2.1 speakers. Sounds great but some how the audio cable connected from the beack of the speaker set and to the iPhone makes some kind of blocking for WIFI :? Weird but true.
Is it possible that just audio plug can affect wifi signal try 1st the basic wifi connecting trouble shooting. :)
Yes its like when the audio cable (mini jack) is plugged in to the iPhone. It looses its WIFI signal ?
Somehow an electric thing happen when the audio cable is connected to the speaker and iPhone.
The Logitech speaker is powered with 220/110 wall plug so i'm sure it's a electric thing that interferes
with the WIFI signal when i plug in the audio cable. Can't fine any other reason.

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