I guess this would be deleted if I posted in iPhone section, so I'll post this here and cross my fingers I get some good information. Even though my touch has many of the same features as the iPhone, and I think the question would apply to both.
Anyway, I have the newest touch. But it will no longer download apps. Not good. I have tons of pictures I want to move to another drive since I apparently will have to erase all data to reset where it will hopefully download apps again. Unless someone here knows something I don't. I don't have a computer, so I would prefer not to deal with iTunes. And I am out of iCloud storage. Is there any chance I can move all my precious pictures efficiently and reliably to another portable drive? I tried copying some yesterday to my flash drive on a public computer, but it look longer than I hoped and there was some unexpected error copying some of them (so I have no idea which pictures didn't copy). I was looking at a different flash drive that plugs directly into the Apple port on my touch. Unfortunately, after reading reviews those drives apparently have to have an extra app to be downloaded. Are there any that don't need an app? Is there any other workaround I could move them all quickly to my other touch or another drive?