Is Apple Making its Own SIM Card?

Is Apple Making its Own SIM Card?


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
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Jun 18, 2010
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Several reports floating around the web today are saying that Apple is currently developing its own SIM. In particular, a story on GigaOM says that its sources inside European carriers have told them that Apple has teamed up with SIM maker Gemalto to create a SIM card that would enable customers in Europe to buy an iPhone on the web or at an Apple Store, and activate it via the App Store, without ever having to deal with a separate carrier.

GigaOM’s sources tell them that the SIM card will actually be built into the iPhone, and that customers will then get the chance to choose their carrier when they buy the phone, without ever having to get in touch with the carrier.

GigaOM says that this could be Apple’s way of cutting carriers out of the lucrative device retail business, although the iPhone would still operate on the networks, they just might not have a say in the selling of the actual handsets anymore.

GigaOM also points out that this could mean that European customers will be able to roam much more easily using their iPhones, swapping carriers as and when necessary or required, adding that several European carriers in countries such as Germany have already lost their iPhone exclusivity.

I’m sure this is a story we’ll be hearing much more of in the future.

Source: GigaOM

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