is iphone good on sprint?

is iphone good on sprint?


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Feb 11, 2014
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im getting a new carrier and i think its going to be sprint.
You will have unlimited data but not sure if the servis is good, tell us what u do, who do u have now and why the change.

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You will have unlimited data but not sure if the servis is good, tell us what u do, who do u have now and why the change.

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i had att before for 10 years but all of a sudden kept losing service in my room. So i switched to verizon but need unlimited data so gonna go to sprint tomorrow.
I hope you all the best, make sure sprint works in your location, which iPhone will u get

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I'm getting the iPhone 5s 32 GB. I don't know what color yet but I'll figure that out tomorrow. Is the battery a lot better on the 5s then the 5?
I have Hurd it is a little better but I do not know

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