It just refuses to be jailbroken!!!! What am I missing?

It just refuses to be jailbroken!!!! What am I missing?


New Member
Thread Starter
Sep 6, 2011
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I am trying to JB a new 3gs right now that came with 5.0 and BB 5.16.05. I was jailbreaking two of these using redsn0w 9.9.b8. The first went off without a hitch. The second however acted funky from the start. AFter DFU mode and l1mera1n supposed to be exploiting, it gave me an error after the "rootfs as read only" then said something about giving up trying after so many attempts and it just froze so I had to kick it out of DFU mode and start over. I ended up having to restore and that took me up to 5.0.1 firmware.

Now I had to point redsnow to 5,0 ispw to work. No prob, jailbreak seems to work fine. Cydia icon appears white, but of course that is because you have to boot tethered right after. Okay, all appears fine. Then I try and open cydia for the first time, it says it is preparing and will exit after, then phone it resprings and no cydia icon to be found. I do this over and over and each time its the same. I even did a full restore again as a new phone and jailbroke pointing to 5.0 ispw, boot tethered, no cydia.

When I go into iphonebrowser with this device it says it is jailbroken and under applications root tree it has a listing for cydia app but no cydia on springboard or no access to it. I don't know what else to try after restoring and jailbreaking all over again twice now.

Am I missing something?

Also, it doesn't show up in spotlight search.

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