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Sep 10, 2011
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Hallo,can u please help me with the iTunes? I want to put some video from my phone to my computer and dont know how. I used iTunes,but when I sync it,I dont see it in my computer. What should I do to put the video to my comp?
Maru, I don't know an "official" way to do it, but in a pinch you can always e-mail it to yourself. In the lower left corner you'll see a box with an arrow. It will give you several options.
It's very big to send it on my email and MMS too. So I dont know how to do it in any diff way.
iTunes is very bad program for mobile phone. U cant do anything there. I thought iPhone is one step in front of other phones,but I see only mistakes.
iTunes is very bad program for mobile phone. U cant do anything there. I thought iPhone is one step in front of other phones,but I see only mistakes.

You nailed the iTunes part!! I also despise iTunes due to its dangerous way of making your data disappear and the way it makes you wonder just how the "heck" the synch function actually works. Sorry I can't help you with your question -- just confirming your situation!
I make home videos, so pulling large amounts of videos of an iDevice is important! Try this:
1. Plug in your iPhone
2. Open Computer and double-click on the iPhone
3. Click on DCIM
4. Click on the folder (it changes according to your device)
5. Either highlight and drag the videos/photos to your desktop or into the iTunes Movies section

Optionally you can stop the AppleMobileDevice.dll in Task Manager and see if you can find it in computer, or possibly just the opposite is the service isn't started! Let me know if it works, and if not i'll try to help you in any way i can!
Excellent advice Np27. I've seen the DCIM thing on my computer with the device plugged in and wondered what I can do with this. Let us know if this works for you, Maru. Thanks.

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