The new series 2 Apple Watch IS useable while swimming. Maybe you could justify it as a pool accessory.If I wasn't putting a pool in and trying to watch my money I'd order the series 2 today
The new series 2 Apple Watch IS useable while swimming. Maybe you could justify it as a pool accessory.If I wasn't putting a pool in and trying to watch my money I'd order the series 2 today
Already ahead of you on that oneThe new series 2 Apple Watch IS useable while swimming. Maybe you could justify it as a pool accessory.
Stainless steel is stronger than aluminum but the surface scratches easier than the anodized finish on the aluminum Apple Watches. The black finished stainless steel Apple Watch models have a very durable finish that is almost impossible to scratch, but any deep scratches that do penetrate the finish are very visible.Would the stainless steel or aluminum be more durable? I do my darendest keep all my expensive toys nice just looking for the most durable.
I am so jealous. I want one but gotta wait till I get finished with my pool.Just received an email: my Apple Watch has been shipped, and it's supposed to arrive Wednesday next week. A week earlier than expected.