Jailbreaking iPhone 3GS

Jailbreaking iPhone 3GS


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Nov 24, 2012
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I have an iPhone 3GS new bootrom with a jailbroken untethered 4.3.3 iOS. I'd like to update it to jailbroken tethered iOS 6.
I know how to do it, but I have stored a huge amount of data in my iPhone that I'd like to keep after the iOS update, such as SMS, music, apps, games highscores, notes, call logs...
What steps could I follow to back that data up and store it again in my iPhone after the update?

Thank you very much :)
Me personally I'd recommend manually backing it up with something like Funbox, iExplorer, or if you know the directory of where the things you want to back up, just copy and paste them back to your computer and dra and drop them back onto your iPhone through iTunes after restoring. That's the fail safe. You can always back up using iTunes