Just How Good is Retina ?

Just How Good is Retina ?


New Member
Thread Starter
Sep 17, 2010
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Just how really good is the Retina Display on the new IPhone 4 ????

Well, in comparing it to a 3G or 3GS, take a look at the "contacts icon" - it resembles a miniature spiral notebook. Look closely on the right side of the spiral notebook icon - On the IPhone 4 you can actually read all the letters on the tabs - you can see it says A,B,C,D,E and F. The letters are really small but you CAN really read them.

Now try reading those same letters on the 3G or 3GS !!!!!!!!!
Ya just if it was on a 4inch screen!!

The diff between 3 1/2 and 4 inches is pretty small my friend but I wouldn't mind 4 inches. Apple did this for software reasons - they kept display size and aspect ratio same as 3GS but exactly doubled pixels in both X and Y directions.
I'm happy with the size. Evo screen is huge.... Just way bigger than I want to carry everyday.
I'm happy with the size. Evo screen is huge.... Just way bigger than I want to carry everyday.

I agree, that was the downfall for me.
I loved the evo but it was just huge.
I understand that people get impressed with size, but I am very happy with the 3.5" that the i4 offers right now.
Small, sharp, sexy looking (I know I need to get out more) and packs a lot of power.
Ya just if it was on a 4inch screen!!

Hmm, for a phone it's pointless to have a screen as big as the Evo.
iPhone 4 is the perfect phone and that is exactly why YOU have decided to join this forum to bash others :)
The IPhone 4 even fits in my pocket ALONG WITH my car keys AND my 220 lumen Fenix flashlight AND my Aluminum Pill Holder. 4 inches wouldn't work too well.

I like "deep pockets" but not bulgy pockets.......

Besides, where else would I get a display this sharp ????
I don't even have to zoom while browsing to read the text. So sharp. Love it

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