Keep getting a black screen

Keep getting a black screen


New Member
Thread Starter
Jul 13, 2011
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Hello everyone.

I'm new to the forum so a big HELLO to everyone.
I have a problem which is annoying me.
I Jailbroke my iPhone 4 shortly after I got it around 10 months ago. It uses Cydia and I also have Installus 4.

The problem is 2 or 3 times a day the screen just goes black, sometimes when I receive a call the screen flashes very fast and when you swipe to answer the screen goes black.

The only thing you can do is do a hard reset every time.
Sorry forgot to mention, the phone is running on version 4.1 (8B117)

The other thing I have noticed, when you open an app the app opens in the full screen, then shrinks slightly and then goes to just a bit bigger than full screen as some of the letters are missing at the top and bottom of the screen, this happens in a split second, but you do notice it happen.
Anyone got any ideas on the subject please?
Installous = stealing, and won't, and can't be talked about, on this site. Read the site rules!
If you really wanna fix the problem then I would just restore your phone back to normal
Thanks swpilgrim.
Took the phone back to my provider, turns out it's a software problem, they tried to reset it to the original settings and it would not reboot at all.
They replaced it with a brand new phone due to it being only ten months old.

Referring to a previous reply, Jailbreaking is not illegal, the whole point of Jailbreaking the iPhones is so people have the freedom of choice what to install on their phones and not be dictated to by Apple. I use the app store frequently as my purchase list can prove. Installing apps from the site I am not supposed to talk about on the forum, does not make it right, but tell that to all the hypocrites who download films, games and software from the internet which by the way = stealing as well. It has now become the norm for this sort of thing, again I am saying it does not make it right but it is a fact of life.
Sorry I will get off my soap box now.

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