Keeping my unlimited data. Advice requested.

Keeping my unlimited data. Advice requested.


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Aug 14, 2011
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Hello everyone. I currently have a family plan on Verizon with three lines. Line 1 is my iPhone 4 with unlimited data. Line 2 and 3 are basic phones, no data, no texting, no extras. All three lines are eligible for upgrades. I've read varying opinions on how to upgrade without losing my unlimited data so I figured I'd lay out my plan and see if anyone can confirm for me that this will work. My goal is to end up with an iPhone 5S or 6 on line 1 with unlimited data and 4G and basic phones on line 2 and 3.

1. Wait patiently for release of iPhone 5S/6. (duh)
2. Purchase new iPhone 5S/6 at upgrade cost ($200?) on line 2.
3. Add 2GB limit data plan on line 2. (have no choice when buying smartphone, correct?)
4. Activate iPhone 5S/6 on line 2.
5. Once iPhone 5S/6 is fully functional on line 2, log on to Verizon's website and switch line 1 from iPhone 4 to iPhone 5S/6 currently on line 2.
6. After iPhone 5S/6 is activated and functional on line 1, reactivate basic phone back on line 2.
7. Cancel 2GB limit data plan on line 2 and pay the prorated cost for the month.
8. Celebrate perhaps with cake.

Are all these steps necessary, and is this sure to work? Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Sounds like a great plan I should of tries it. Verizon might try to lie and tell you it's impossible but i don't see any reason you won't be able to. Also idk if you can cancel the 2 gb of data while on contract.
Also idk if you can cancel the 2 gb of data while on contract.

Hmm, I didn't think about that part. I assumed you can switch data plans anytime you want, you simply have to be on a 2GB plan if you use a smartphone. Can anyone here confirm or deny if that part of my plan will work?
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You can just call Verizon. I have done it several times. I call upgrade on basic line then Instantly have them switch it to my line and put my daughters flip phone with data blocked back on her line. I'm waiting for the 5s/6 to do it again.

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