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Bladerunner BluRay version (again)

Amazing sound, and detail like I've never heard in any version before.
I had the four disc set in the (failed) HD format, but gave the player and all the HD movies away. that is one I can see buying on Blu-Ray

Well worth it. BluRays are getting to giveaway prices in short order. I just bought The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey 3D version for $20. I think I gave around $10 for Bladerunner.

Pity about DVD HD. That format had some promise, but there are always winners and losers. I'd have liked to see DVD-A succeed, but I guess it's gone the way of the dodo.
watched Last Vegas starring Robert Di Niro and then half of back to the future part 2

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I had forgotten how fookin' great this film is. And this clip above is still the best thing about the entire film.
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Watched Star Trek Into Darkness last weekend. Loved it.. I need to buy it on iTunes.

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