Locking Home Button

Locking Home Button


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Dec 7, 2011
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I normally carry my iPhone in my shirt pocket. Probably a 100 times a day I push in the home button while locked and it enables voice commands. I've disable in settings Siri and some of the commands but I'm unable to disable the music control which says they are always enabled. So regularly it turns my music on. Since my volume is normally turned to zero except for the ringer I don't always realize the music started. Of course when my music is playing it silences my ringer & text alerts (not sure if that is normal or not). Anyway I'd like to disable the home button completely while the phone is locked. I'd still like to use it while its unlocked. Is there a way to do this? Is there a jail broke app for it? I've searched a bit but I'm coming up empty expect apps that disable it completely locked or unlocked. I'm on the iPhone 4S jailbroke 6.1.1.
You can use Activator. Just change the home button action to None and it won't trigger anything locked or unlocked
Yea that's exactly what I said I didn't want. I may just have to deal with it activating. Can't lose the home button.
You can assign the home button to other gestures. I use a double tap on the status bar and an up+down volume as a backup

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