Lockscreen Camera iOS 5 NEW FEATURE / OPTION

Lockscreen Camera iOS 5 NEW FEATURE / OPTION


iPhoneForums.net News Team
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Jun 15, 2010
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Bay Area, CA
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xy3LP8pjaiA]YouTube - ‪Lockscreen Camera iOS 5 NEW FEATURE / OPTION - iOS Vlog 440‬‏[/ame]​

Continuing to show some of the new iOS 5 features we have another option that is available via Jailbreak but now ready to use on iOS 5. This feature lets you double tap the home button on the lockscreen and a camera icon will pop up, when pressed, you'll be taken to the camera app. You now have the ability to take photos/videos and look at your media(is you don't have a passcode lock). Quick access to your camera app will help you by not missing that quick photo/video when reality fly by. You are now free to snap away with a little less worries.
gotta love that feature, not sure how much i will use it but i know it will come in handy..

i can never be bothered to have a passcode on my iphone.. too much effort typing one in each time i want to use my phone
This has already proved very useful for me, although I do forget it's there now and again.

I wasn't aware you could get this with jailbreaking. I guess it's another reason not to jailbreak iOS 5...
Good Camera feature using home button. I am new Iphone4 users and I don't know from where can I download iOS 5.
Ok so now I'm still on 4.2.8 not jail broken and the double tap brings up running apps and allows me to close them out. How will we be able to do that after iOS 5?

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If I'm understanding correctly, the double-tap only brings the camera up from the lock screen. Once you're past the lock screen it will work as you're used to.
It is still the same on iOS 5. You double tap the home button on the lockscreen to bring up the new camera icon. What your doing is double tapping the home button on the springboard...
Ok so now I'm still on 4.2.8 not jail broken and the double tap brings up running apps and allows me to close them out. How will we be able to do that after iOS 5?

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well on ios 5 when the screen is locked you will double tap and atm it brings up what music your listening to but in ios 5 you will also see a little camera icon you can tap that will open the camera app
Oh wow thanks for clarifying that!

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no worries, it will even open it if you have a passcode set but not let you have access to any of the photos.
iOS 5 really is shaping up to be a major improvement.
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