Thanks for your continued efforts to create this app, it would really be very useful for couponers! You are moving in the right direction with it, the stores definitely won't accept the coupons from the phone. It sounds like you can extract the information pertaining to the item, but you can't read the information that tells you which insert the coupon came from? There are typically 2 major inserts that come out every Sunday, Red Plum and Smart Source. There are occasionally a couple others like Proctor & Gamble, PepsiCo, etc. Maybe you could set up different "folders" inside the app, the user could name them (like Smart Source 1/08/12) then scan in all the coupons. Then when you look up an item, the database would show you all the coupons you have for that item, give you details like $$ off, expiration date, etc., and tell you where it is located (the folder name). Also, the user should be able to choose to automatically delete expired coupons or not. Sorry for all the specific requests, I've been couponing for a while and I know what works, I think everyone else would agree! Good luck with the development, hope to see the app available soon!