Lost ringtones (iPhone 5C/iOS 7.0.2)

Lost ringtones (iPhone 5C/iOS 7.0.2)


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Mar 19, 2012
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I seem to have 2 problems, but both are related to lost or inaccessible ringtones.

1. At some point, iTunes has lost the folder for my ringtones. I don't know when it disappeared, as I wasn't paying close attention. And iTunes went through the motions of syncing to my iPhone 4S, so imagine my surprise when, late in the summer, my phone claimed it has last synched April 1, 2013. The folder for podcasts had also disappeared from iTunes, but since I wasn't listening to the podcasts, I don't really miss them (and all were free). I hadn't had the urge to update either with new material in a very long time, so that's my (lame) excuse for not noticing.

2. I traded in my 4S for a 5C two weeks ago. I had made sure I had synched to iCloud prior to the trade, and I was able to transfer everything from iCloud to my new phone seamlessly (though it did take hours to complete - which I assume is normal). All my purchased apps, ringtones, and music transferred successfully. But flash forward to last Tuesday or Wednesday, when I discovered that my purchased (okay, they were free, so I'm not out any money if they do not get restored) ringtones had completely disappeared from my new phone, and all tones reverted to the defaults. The ringtones are still gone from iTunes, also, though I confirmed they are still where I put them on my computer.

I perhaps should mention that I use a computer that runs Windows 7, which could make a difference. I uninstalled iTunes about a month or so ago (I think it was right after the iOS 7 release) and reinstalled it in an attempt to fix the synching problem, to no avail. I updated iTunes to its most recent version about an hour ago.

My iPhone 5C has the latest version of iOS 7. I did not deliberately update the iOS just before the ringtones disappeared, but maybe the phone updated automatically (I have all that automatic stuff turned off, but that doesn't stop my phone from doing what it wants, sometimes). The phone is showing that my last sync to iTunes was at 4:39 pm today.

In searching for the disappearing ringtones problem, I see that lots of people had this issue with iOS 5. I did not have problems at that time. I do not see that anyone else is having problems with iOS 7, at least not yet.

Can anyone help me or point me in the right direction? I liked my Star Wars ringtones, and don't like any of the options that came with the phone.

I have not been able to recover my ringtones to my iPhone. I finally figured out how to get the ringtones into iTunes again (why they disappeared from it is beyond my comprehension). However, I cannot yet figure out how to make them sync to my phone. I found one forum which said to check a box telling iTunes to sync ringtones, but I have been unable to find that option on my version of iTunes, nor can I find it on my iPhone. There has to be a way to do this, and searching the Web tells me other people have had this problem - and have been able to solve it.
Need to authorize you phone to sync with the iTunes? I've had that problem before.

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