May Return my 4S Due to Battery Life

May Return my 4S Due to Battery Life

I've made the above fixes, and I've subsequently downloaded the new OS. I've had no improvement on battery life and still surprised by it overall. Granted, I've not been subjected to the 15% every hour that some have reported, but just disappointed overall.

Last night I charged my phone until about 1030pm, and it was at 100%. Closed out all apps that were running... it sat next to my bed unused for the night. At 6am, it was at 88%. Limited use so far today, and at 10am I'm at 61%. Usage stats: Standby: 11 hrs, 52 mins; Usage: 2 hrs, 0 mins (which actually doesn't make sense given the time I unplugged it last night... is it possible for both timers to increment simultaneously?).

Is this just par for the course? I come from a history of Blackberry and Treo, so obviously this is my first jump into a data-heavy phone of this type. Maybe I just needed my expectations set appropriately. But I guess what bothers me is that the iPhone 4 owner who sits next to me at work can't believe the battery life I'm getting. I know he's a heavy texter, and his battery life far exceeds mine.

One other anomaly I've noticed... Every once in a while I'll leave it plugged in for a long period of time (overnight), it won't charge to a full 100%. It will stop at 97-98%.

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