Microsoft Launches OneNote Mobile for iPhone in the US App Store

Microsoft Launches OneNote Mobile for iPhone in the US App Store


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Jun 18, 2010
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If you’re familiar with the Microsoft Office program OneNote, you might be interested to hear that Microsoft has just today launched a OneNote Mobile app for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. If you've yet to experience OneNote, it’s a digital notebook that enables you to keep track of clippings and notes that you collect in the course of a day, and even recordings. According to the Microsoft Office Blog, 78 million PCs in the US have OneNote, so that’s a lot of people who might be interested in downloading the companion. The notes that you "capture" using the app are automatically backed up and synced with free Windows Live SkyDrive online storage, so that you can access them on the move. It really is a great way of collecting your random thoughts as you go about your day. It’s great for pulling together the different strands of an idea or a project you’re working on, such as linking up web pages, pictures and randomly scribbled notes, and is also very versatile, being able to capture handwriting, audio recordings and video clips. Currently OneNote Mobile for iPhone only appears to be available in the US App Store for some reason, but hopefully it’ll be more widely available soon.

Click here to download the app (US store only), which is free for a limited time: OneNote for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTunes App Store

Sources: Office Exec - Starting today, OneNote Mobile for iPhone helps free your ideas

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