Microsoft Updates OneNote for iPhone Users with Page Previews and More

Microsoft Updates OneNote for iPhone Users with Page Previews and More


News Team
Thread Starter
Nov 27, 2012
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Lately, Microsoft has given a special attention to its customers from other platforms. We've seen the company release frequent updates to its iOS apps, and today we're talking about the latest change to note-taking app OneNote.

Besides the usual bug fixes, the app has been updated with two important features. Here's how the changelog sounds like:

  • Page Previews - Take a peek out our beautiful new design for previewing page content in your page lists. Enable this new experience by toggling between views at the top of each section
  • Reorder Notebooks - We've supercharged the navigation drawer to allow you to easily reorder your notebooks.
Go ahead and follow the link from below to download OneNote on your iPhone. Let us know what you think of the updated version by leaving your comment below.

Source: iTunes