Moving Apps On iPhone 7 with iOS 11

Moving Apps On iPhone 7 with iOS 11

In iTunes 12.7 where is iTunes Sharing? How do I access the files?
How do I backup my iPhone now? I can't use iCloud because our crummy satellite internet connection isn't up to it. I would exceed my monthly data allotment with the first backup.
Update to my earlier question about moving apps on the 7+: I now have several “new” apps in an already existing folder on the dock, but I cannot move some of them. One is Tiny Cards. Is there any way to fix this? I don’t want to delete anything from the dock—the things I put there need to stay.
The latest version of iTunes (12.7) doesn’t have the App Store any more. If you wish to organize your apps, you’ll have to do it on the iPhone itself.
Are you for real! Mehn I better not upgrade the iTunes on my mac.
Are you for real! Mehn I better not upgrade the iTunes on my mac.
Apple has released iTunes 12.6.3, which has the App Store and the ability to sync apps to your iOS devices. If you install this version of iTunes you will not be prompted to update to the latest version. Apple does not offer any technical support with this version of iTunes if you run into any problems.
Deploy apps in a business environment with iTunes

If you later want to update to iTunes 12.7 or a later release you’ll have to go to the Apple website and download it directly, not through the Mac App Store.