Moving iPhone 7 Icons in iOS 11.0.3

Moving iPhone 7 Icons in iOS 11.0.3


Thread Starter
Oct 22, 2012
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Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA
I frequently used iTunes to move the icons on my iPhone 5. Now that I have the iPhone 7 and iOS 11.0.3, how can the icons be moved. I need to move some from one page to another. The "hold down and slide" the icon doesn't work when you're moving from page to page. Thanks very much for your help.
You have to slide to the side of the screen, as far right or left as possible. Then the next page will appear.

It’s also possible to put the app into the dock, then slide to the page where you wish to place it, and move it from the dock to the page.
Hold down the icon until it shows an x or shake, release, hold down and drag to the required page
It’s really the same since I can remember, but it can be tricky sometimes even if you’re an expert.