My Iphone 4 requires itunes 10.1 or newer

My Iphone 4 requires itunes 10.1 or newer

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Apr 1, 2012
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Hello everybody,
I was always using Media-Monkey program to get new music on my iphone. To do so, itunes was required, everything was working just fain. Now I have a new laptop, on which was sync-ed another iphone, itunes version was 10.xx. I reinstalled itunes, deleted the Itunes library file from My music folder, and now when I start itunes it says that my iphone requires 10.1 itunes version or newer. So, how can I make my iphone cooperate with itunes The main objective is to get the music on the iphone, so if you have any other ideas, how to do that without getting any help from itunes, feel free to post that.
What's wrong with iTunes. It will keep giving you problems, especially of you are in iOS 5.

What wrong with iTunes again. Just disable automatic syncing, enable "Manually Manage Music" and you can just drag and drop whatever you want.

Funny how people think that you must "sync" with iTunes and it lacks the simple "drag and drop" function when it very well had that function. Its just not enabled by default. That stupid automatic syncing and music management is what makes people honk iTunes is retarded.

These other programs that people download for the "drag and drop" simplicity are just pointless...iTunes does All it takes is Changing literally 2 settings in iTunes and it is impossible for iTunes to "automatically" mess anything up.
Forgot to add, my iphone has ios 4.3.2. And... i already tried this thing with "manually manage music" and when i check the box and apply the change, the program warns me bout the sync and says that i will lose my iphone data.
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konrad252 said:
Forgot to add, my iphone has ios 4.3.2

Why would you still be on 4.3.2. It is common knowledge to stay relatively updated with iOS and iTunes.
I dont know how to properly upgrade the ios and then rejailbreak it without losing anythin, I dont know if its possible. I have much music and many many apps.
konrad252 said:
I dont know how to properly upgrade the ios and then rejailbreak it without losing anythin, I dont know if its possible. I have much music and many many apps.

Well it's easy. Of coarse you cannot restore from a backup because your coming from ios 4.

You need to update iTunes first.

Then plug in device, right click on it in the left pain, and transfer purchases. It will transfer all your music and apps.

Then enter DFU mode and click restore.

You waited too long and you will have to update to the latest iOS 5.1 tethered jailbreak.

Unless you have SHSH for ios 5.0.1. Which you probably do. It says it in Cydia's home page on the top of the page.
By purchases you mean apps i bought, not the ones i installed with installous, am i right? So if i will do that, im losing it all and ill have to redownload it all. Same thing with music? cydia top page : SHSH:ios 4.3.3, 4.2.4, 4.3.5, 5.0.1, 5.1.
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konrad252 said:
Purchases means apps i bought, not the ones i installed with installous, am i right? So if i will do that, im losing it all and ill have to redownload it all. Same thing with music? cydia top page : SHSH:ios 4.3.3, 4.2.4, 4.3.5, 5.0.1, 5.1.

Not if you install AppSync from the hackulo repo. Then will still transfer. the music will transfer as well. Make sure "manually mange music" is checked.

So long as "AppSync iOS 5+" is installed, all apps will transfer fine. They will not transfer to your device after you restore until AppSync is installed again.

You can update to iOS 5.0.1 and have an untethered jailbreak. need to download the latest Tiny Umbrella,

And iFaith 1.4.2 from
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