Transfer my MP3s to iPhone....

Transfer my MP3s to iPhone....


Active Member
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Nov 22, 2010
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This should be easy, but.... I just upgraded my iTunes to the latest: ver. All went well, and my iPhone was recognized by iTunes and I made a backup.
I have several MP3s in my Windows 7 Music folder that I cannot transfer to the iPhone using iTunes! These MP3s are shown in the iTunes Library but I see no way to synch/transfer them to the phone. This new version of iTunes is unlike previous versions which were easier. I can highlight all the music files in the Library but there's no action I can take after that! I've gone through ALL the menu items -- no luck.
Any ideas? This should be simpler. Thanks.
Change the CD audio import conversion format to MP3. Select the songs that you can't seem to transfer in your iTunes Library, right click, and click "Convert to MP3". Duplicates will pop up, now try syncing those newly formed MP3s over. If duplicates are formed, then the encoding on them might be a little off and couldn't pass iTunes' check. If there aren't duplicates formed, try using Bridge from Cydia to import the songs in.
Thanks willerz2. Got it! It took a while but I was finally able to walk through the maze. I could have probably figured it out without this posting, but your input saved me more head-scratching time. Regards....
No problem, glad we got that sorted out. Sometimes it's just that one little thing and iTunes just goes "NOPE NOPE NOPE!!!! NOT GETTING PASS ME"

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