Shuffle MP3s stored locally?

Shuffle MP3s stored locally?


New Member
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Nov 2, 2012
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I'm using a jailbroken (tethered) iPhone 4 with iOS 6. I'm looking for an MP3 player that can shuffle play files that I've stored on the phone.

The reason I'm looking is that I'm trying to stay away from iTunes. I use Ubuntu on my PC and it's a hassle to dual boot back into windows just to manage my music with iTunes. It's much simpler and quicker for me to just drag and drop MP3s onto my iPhone with SSH via WiFi. So getting the files onto my phone is not the problem. What I'm struggling with is finding a player that detects the files I've put on the phone. I can open them through iFile and play them, but what I want is an app where I can just hit shuffle and walk away.

I know there are some apps that stream music from various clouds with an option to save for offline listening but that's sort of the long way around when the alternative is just to simply drag and drop files into a folder on the phone.

Is there a certain folder I should be putting the MP3s in for the default music player to see them? Or, is there another app (Cydia or App Store) that I could use to play MP3s? All I want to do is shuffle songs stored on the phone. Kind of like a regular iPod for when I'm offline.
Got it working now. I installed PwnTunes from Cydia. Now files added to /var/mobile/Media/My Music/ are automatically added to the Music Player. Goodbye iTunes.

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