My mate just got his 1st iphone.

My mate just got his 1st iphone.

The singing window for 5.1.1 will remain open until IOS6 is released publicly in September (best estimate), or until they release another minor release of IOS 5, i.e. 5.1.2 (unlikely), so don't worry about that mate. You can just use Absinthe as normal!
Do you think it might me good idea to save shsh for future downgrade options?
I jailbroke every device i have and i never had a problem with them at all
Yeah his phone is running 5.1.1 from factory settings , so you say i dont need to restore to 5.1.1 i thought i wouldve had to do this otherwise the programs/apps he has installed already may conflict after jailbreak ? I think it would be better to restore would it not or do i really not have to i.e will there be no probs with previously installed apps after jb ?
Ok think ill restore , if he backs up will he be able to get his contacts back amd how would i do that ?
Yeah back it up and after restore iTunes will ask if you want to set up the phone from a back up or set up as a new phone. Choose from back up.

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Excellent and this wont install apps etc just contacts ?

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