My phone labels my text messages as voicemail after software update

My phone labels my text messages as voicemail after software update


New Member
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Jan 30, 2014
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After my Iphone 4s was updated, it has started labeling all my text messages as voicemail. This is really annoying, I see a new voicemail notice but it is a new text. Don't know why or how to fix. Thanks for any help!!
Is this will ALL texts or just certain contacts?

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Do your contacts have the numbers "101" in them?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sorry then. I know there was a glitch if the numbers 101 were in sequence anywhere in a phone number it would show up as VM instead of a text

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
After my Iphone 4s was updated, it has started labeling all my text messages as voicemail. This is really annoying, I see a new voicemail notice but it is a new text. Don't know why or how to fix. Thanks for any help!!
That's not an iPhone or iOS 7 feature. It could be from your carrier service. You may want to give them a call. You might try Reset Network in your settings. You would then need to enter your wifi back in.

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