My phone won't turn on?

My phone won't turn on?

By charging, I mean the red flashing battery sign keeps coming up every time I check on it, which is why I said charging. Plus, that is very true. I've been looking up prices for 128GB iPad 5's and iPhone 5's.
Can't afford it right now, but if I save up, possibly. My cousin was going to give me his old iPhone 6, but that never came to fruition.
You only get the flashing red battery symbol appearing on the screen when the battery is completely drained. If it's still displayed hours later it means that your battery is not charging and likely won't be able to hold a charge. If a lithium battery spends too much time in storage while discharged, the battery can be permanently damaged.
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If your cousin has a spare phone that he has already offered it could be worth pursuing that angle. Look up "social engineering" for ways to reopen that conversation without causing offence.

Meantime, asking around other family members for retired iPhones wouldn't be a bad idea. Lots of people intend to use old iPhones as iPods then realize they don't need to since their new phone invariably comes with lots more storage.

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