Need help syncing new custom ringtones to 4s iPhone

Need help syncing new custom ringtones to 4s iPhone


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May 14, 2012
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Made custom ringtones in audacity and added to music library in iTunes. Next created AAC version of files and then changed file from .m4a to .m4r and added to tones section of iTunes. Next connected iPhone 4s to iTunes and under tones section checked the sync tones box and selected tones from list. Finally clicked sync button at bottom right of iTunes and waited for sync to be completed. Proceeded to settings-sounds-ringtones in phone but no new ringtones are shown other than the default. Please help.
I tried and tried so many different ways, had always done this on Palm and Android system. I finally used a free app called Mobile17 Make Tones.
It uses the computer, can't remember how, but was very simple and easy, could select portions of songs you wanted.
I tried and tried so many different ways, had always done this on Palm and Android system. I finally used a free app called Mobile17 Make Tones.
It uses the computer, can't remember how, but was very simple and easy, could select portions of songs you wanted.
That's what I used audacity for, to make custom ringtone. Which was not the issue. The issue is the ringtones are in the tones section of iTunes and appear in the tones section of devices under iPhone also but after I sync phone they don't appear in the settings-sounds-ringtone section of the phone. So I need help in transfering from iTunes to phone cause sync did not work.
I didn't make myself clear. It was easy to make the ringtones like you did, I had created them too, but could never get them to transfer to the phone.
I had fits trying to load onto phone, nothing worked except this app. So you can use pre made (I had some on my computer) to load them.
I didn't make myself clear. It was easy to make the ringtones like you did, I had created them too, but could never get them to transfer to the phone.
I had fits trying to load onto phone, nothing worked except this app. So you can use pre made (I had some on my computer) to load them.

I tried it today and still no luck. I created ringtone from app and then loaded into tunes section of iTunes. Next connected iPhone 4s and tried to sync. After completed syncing checked phone but still no new ringtone.?
Custom ring tones have to be no longer than 30 seconds. If your ringtones are longer, they'll show up everywhere, except on the phone. Make them shorter and enjoy.
Last time I checked the specification (sometime last summer) for the max ringtone length it was 40 seconds. But I agree 30 seconds should be the max since most phone companies auto roll to voice mail by then.
U did every thing right from iTunes after u add in the library just drag and drop into ur iPhone and make sure that it's less than 25 sec and that is .m4r
Last time I checked the specification (sometime last summer) for the max ringtone length it was 40 seconds. But I agree 30 seconds should be the max since most phone companies auto roll to voice mail by then.

Finally got it to work by downloading ringtones app on iPhone. Then transfering file to tones section of iTunes,after that then dragged into tunes section of phone. The weird thing is I could only create files after I played them in music of I phone. I noticed after I did that the cloud symbol changed to a stop sign. Then it would let me use the premade mp3 that I cut in audacity. And by the way the max is 40s as you mentioned.
I am having this same problem. I did this before, exactly the same way you described, and it worked fine-- but new ringtones I made are not showing up. What ringtones app did you download in iphone?
I am having this same problem. I did this before, exactly the same way you described, and it worked fine-- but new ringtones I made are not showing up. What ringtones app did you download in iphone?

App is called ringtones I believe. It's free