need help with jailbreak update

need help with jailbreak update

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Jul 17, 2013
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i have a 3GS from AT&T that i unlocked and jailbroke last year to run t-mobile. it worked fine, minus the gps not working and a few other bugs.
recently my phone has been super slow at opening menus and folders and apps, and it crashed and went into safe mode a few times.
this caused my phone to delete all my contacts and photos and everything i had. when i go on cydia nothing works, wont let me make any changes or use it.

is there any updated jailbreaks to fix this? any help is appreciated.

btw. the phone is on 5.1.1 9B206 right now.
Crashing is due to three main sources

1. You're using pirated tweaks/apps

2. You're overworking your device by installing tweaks that demands too much resources.

3. What you installed is not compatible with your device and/or iOS combination

When you run out of RAM, your device will crash and often will go into Safe Mode. A fresh restore and carefully selecting your tweaks and such will fix this problem. Or, delete the known problematic packages
how come my cydia has not been working for a long time? along with a few other things that are happening like when i look something up online, if theres a phone number it used to let me click on it and it would dial it from my phone, now it says error and wont dial.
same with many other things that are going wrong.

are there any more up-to-date jailbreaks/unlocks that i can update my phone with?
i restored my phone to the last restore date (2 months back) and i deleted winterboard because i was using it for a theme. and it worked fine for a year and barely crashed now. i didnt install any new apps or hacks since a year ago.

also since it wont let me use cydia i cant delete any packages thru it.
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