Need help with ringtones :-(

Need help with ringtones :-(

after you converted it with itunes to (AAC) did you rename it from .m4a to .m4r?
Candace said:
Yes, I've tried both. Do you know if a good ringtone app that can easily set these for you instead of going though iTunes?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You can only do that with ringtone apps from Cydia.

You can only get Cydia if you jailbreak.
actually you don't have to jailbreak you can use apps such as iphoneringtonemaker and it does everything for you
Unleashed said:
actually you don't have to jailbreak you can use apps such as iphoneringtonemaker and it does everything for you

Since when do app store apps put ringtones right in your sound settings in the
I think I may have found it. There's a download app available that I found through a google search in Safari. It's $7.50 and you download it through Windows. Is this the one you were referring to? Want to make sure I'm referencing the same one, without breaking any forum rules.